How Drunk Driving Changed My Life,Bibliography
WebTo conclude, drinking and driving is a serious problem as it affects the individual’s ability to drive due to bodily changes as a result of intoxication. Drinking and driving is not WebJul 10, · Drunk drivers are just accidental murderers; they don’t want to kill people they just do things that they know will cause fatal injuries to themselves WebNov 21, · Problem And Solution To Drunk Driving Essay Dangers and Need for Preventing Drunk Driving. Driving require a variety of skills and technique that often WebMay 7, · This paper discusses issues and consequences relating to drunk-driving. Issues around drunk-driving. In all states of the United States, it is illegal to drive under WebEssay On Drinking And Driving. Words2 Pages. Drinking and Driving is when a person drinks any amount of alcohol, and they decide to drive a vehicle. A common ... read more
Driving while drunk has been, for many years, under discussions as the number of vehicle accidents are increasing every day in our roads. For instance, the number of deaths of single vehicle drivers registering high blood alcohol content is hundreds times more than those of the same drivers but with a zero blood alcohol content. What makes the matter worse is the fact that some people drink to the extent of getting blurred vision but still they go on and drive. This situation is worsened more when a blurred driver is driving at night especially in areas where there are no street lights.
Ignorance such side effects from the prescription drugs have contributed to a certain percentage of road accidents especially drugs that cause drowsiness. It is therefore up to the driver to plan not to drive if after all he is planning on drinking. Enquiring from doctors about the side effects associated with prescription medications is also a good move in combating the problem. Some of these drugs, when combined with alcohol, have more drastic effects than either of them could by themselves Hanson, , p. Similar to many other social problems in the society today, drinking and driving has not been able to be stopped by the simple rules such as road signs.
As a result, other measures have been taken to effectively reduce the vice. This has caused many drivers to be cautious on the same matter. Mandatory jail sentence is also another effective way of getting drivers to avoid driving while they are drunk. Cessation of number plates may be as well an effective method of solving this problem. This makes it possible to identify and therefore punish the defective drivers. Setting up social programs that address the problems and risks associated with drunk driving may as well enlighten the drivers and give them a reason to take the matter seriously.
Restrictions to prevent night time driving especially among the youth who are always going to late night drinking parties could also prevent vehicle accidents. First of all, America has had a problem with drunk driving since Ford perfected the assembly line. Alcoholism is a problem in and of itself, but combined with driving can have a wide range of effects. The consequences of this reckless behavior can include a first time DUI or licenses suspension; a small fender bender, or worst of all a deadly crash. The effects associated with alcohol are produced by the ethanol in the alcohol. In large doses, alcohol acts as a depressant of the central nervous-system. A blood alcohol level of 0. At a blood alcohol level of 0. Drunk driving is an epidemic that continues to have severe and life threatening consequences for those involved, if we simply take a few steps against drunk driving we can help decrease this epidemic.
It is a tragic truth: About 10, lives are lost in the United States because of drunk driving each year. Alcohol is wildly known as one of the main reasons of causing social security issue. Small amount can make people feel relaxed, but bigger amount could make them loss their coordination, get feeling of confusion and disorientation, and significantly slowed their reaction time. On average, one person dies every hour because of alcoholic traffic accident in United State. Therefore, the NTSB put out a recommendation last May that the legal blood alcohol content BAC level for drivers should be lowered from the current level of.
Although there are many commercials, ads, documentaries, seminars, etc. on the reasons why people should never drink and drive, you would be surprised how many people still get behind the wheel after having had more than just a drink or two. We might not realize it but every day, about 28 people in the United States die in car crashes that involve a drunk driver. This equals to one death every 51 minutes! There has been research found relating to Drinking and Driving Behaviors since this topic is now becoming more of an issue in this generation than it was in the past.
For instance, Schell, Chan, and Morral , found that some people who have a DUI record tend to have pretty high expectations of themselves even after having some drinks in their system e. driving while under the influence can be very dangerous and even fatal. It only takes one alcoholic beverage to lessen your ability to respond to things that happen abruptly while you are driving. Some effects of alcohol can include blurry or double vision, impaired thoughtfulness and slowed reactions. The amount of alcohol that one has consumed can be measured by the amount someone has in their blood. BAC is an acronym for blood alcohol concentration. Once you take a drink, there is no way to guess what your BAC is. In Canada, the maximum legal BAC fo is 80 milligrams of alcohol in millilitres of blood 0.
Driving with BAC over 0. The Zero BAC law means that certain drivers cannot have any presence of alcohol in their blood while they drive. Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research Drinking and Driving Essay. Drinking and Driving Essay Good Essays. Open Document. Drunk driving is considered a serious crime in every state. It is wrong, irresponsible and wastes many lives. People who abuse alcohol hurt everyone around them, endanger public safety, and create carnage on the nation's highways. There is nothing positive that can come out of drunk driving, so why do people do it? It is society's job to punish these menaces and try to take control of this out of control issue.
America doesn't want to watch idly as hundreds of people are killed each day. We want to take a stand and let the world know that we may be the 'land of the free and the brave' but there is nothing brave or free about driving drunk. What should be done about this problem is debatable and certainly open to discussion, but the first …show more content… Driving While Intoxicated, Internet source? s effects are progressively more noticeable as the blood alcohol concentration increases. At a BAC of. Even afterwards they refuse to acknowledge the terrible ramifications of their actions.
I have seen an acquaintance absolutely dumfounded by how serious the police took his driving home from the bar a little tipsy. The nerve! I think those officers understood perfectly. They were probably like my father, a police officer of twenty odd years, had to document accident after gruesome, preventable accident. They probably had to cancel that call for an ambulance and ask the dispatcher to send the coroner instead. These drunk drivers find it so hard to comprehend the infinite damage caused by driving under the influence. Everyone that loves the victim is affected, everything that person could have done, made, or even become is destroyed or warped. You could go as far as saying in killing one person you have killed thousands, all the children and their ensuing progeny have ceased to exist in that one moment of thinking only of a good time and driving home drunk.
Thinking that driving drunk would never hurt anyone is a mistake, a mistake that one boy made on my birthday. Officer Candidate School. We drove through the night, almost home. Mom was playing music softly in the front to keep her awake at 2am while everyone was trying to get some sleep at 2 am, dad was slumped in the front seat resting up before his shift later that morning. Shannon and Kirsten sat in the second row slumped sideways sighing softly as we rolled along. I was anxious to get home and sleep after twenty hours of driving; we all were anticipating the end of our vacation and this drive returning to our everyday routine. We were almost home, the GPS signaling only twenty miles left, I felt renewed hope that I would get enough sleep to enjoy my birthday. We reduced our speed as we entered a town and as we drove past a bank, a large red truck ran a stop sign and our van collided with it causing a terrible shrieking crunch as we ricocheted off, it was like waking up into a nightmare, the smell was terrible all burnt rubber, oil and metal.
Our van shot off the road into some bushes jolting everyone in the car, shaking us brutally, then slamming us full force into a sturdy brick sign. The screaming had started right away, first caused by sheer terror but then by pain. Hearing my father scream added to the terror, he had always been imperturbable, a marine, stoic never showing fear of pain, hearing him scream cemented the dread. He had been thrown forward into the windshield, the glass shaved off his scalp. In an instant we were thrown from peaceful sleeping into a whirlwind of panic, confusion and agony.
After we lurched to a stop we threw the doors open and escaped our trusted vehicle that had been turned into a truly sinister thing. My little sisters, ages ranging from just eleven to eighteen crawled out screaming, wailing and crying. Shannon the second youngest was screaming hysterically, overcome with the terror of the wreckage, our family torn apart. Emily and Effie were standing stunned and weeping. My mother held my father and tried to stop the gushing blood from the deep gash on his forehead, adjusting the giant flap of skin to cover his skull. How dare he? He was only thinking of himself and all the trouble he would get in for underage drinking and drunk driving.
Children are blessed with that innocence, the feeling like the world is a safe place like they will live forever, that boy took that away and they will never believe in their own childlike immortality again. It is a crime to make children so young worry about dying, to make them fear their parents are dying. That boy will probably never know the pain of seeing his mother limp into a hospital her legs black with bruises and refuse treatment to stand by the bedside of a little girl strapped to a gurney, vomiting blood.
Courage Essays. Inspiration Essays. Beer Essays. Marijuana Essays. Responsibility Essays. Drinking alcohol is a common social activity which has been present in society since the beginning of time and continues to remain extremely predominant today. Despite the advantages of drinking and having a good time, it is important that if a large quantity of alcohol is consumed that the individual has an alternative way of travelling home safely. Drinking and driving, also known as impaired driving refers to driving while under the influence of alcohol, their BAC is higher than required and is considered a crime. Though I or someone else I know has never been driving while driving the news has shown very heartbreaking examples of this ongoing problem and the affected lives.
Alcohol can be extremely dangerous when mixed with using a vehicle. Getting behind the wheel is not only dangerous, but can pose serious dangers and risks on the road. Want to receive an original paper on this topic? To begin, drinking and driving is a major problem as getting behind the wheel after drinking will reduce reaction time in an individual. Driving safely involves being alert and having the ability to make effective decisions in any possible situations. Reaction time refers to the ability to make a quick and safe decision while on the road unexpectedly. While drinking, people tend to have a slower reaction time, which can create problems since drinking impacts the brain function and slows down the nervous system, resulting in the individual to react slower than the normal seconds, creating several dangers.
Driving slows your response time, which can increase the likelihood of an accident. Therefore, if a car in front of you brakes suddenly or a pedestrian crosses the street, it will take longer for your brain to process the situation and prevent an accident. Secondly, drinking and driving can pose serious problems in relation to poor vision. Consuming alcohol has the ability to decrease eye muscle movement, resulting in blurred vision, making it a problem to see and drive safely. Northbound Treatment Services further explained that impaired vision can affect how you judge the distance between your car and the other vehicles on the road. Coordination refers to the ability of several parts of the body including eyes, hand and foot movements at once.
Drinking and driving can present several problems in the way the driver moves and functions the car properly, causing problems on the road. Another study at Northbound Treatment Services describes that heavy drinking affects your motor skills such as eye, hand and foot coordination. Without crucial coordination skills, you may be unable to avoid an impending harmful situation. Drinking and driving is not only a problem affecting the individuals body functions, but drinking and driving puts the driver at risk and can ultimately result in their own death. First off, drinking and driving is a problem as if caught while under the influence, this can pose several offences with the law. Impaired driving in Canada is the most leading criminal cause of death alone.
Impaired driving not only comes with serious bodily changes, but drinking and driving can result in several serious offenses with the law. The Criminal Code prohibits driving while impaired to any degree by drugs, alcohol, or a combination of both. Penalties for this offence range from a mandatory minimum fine, license suspension to life imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offence. According to the National Pardon Centre, most driving offences — like speeding or making an illegal turn — are not criminal and, therefore, will not go on your criminal record. But impaired driving can be considered sufficiently serious to warrant a criminal conviction, especially if the driver has a blood alcohol level over 0.
Finally, drinking and driving can cause problems to the driver as they can ultimately sustain serious injuries or possibly death through their actions. Drinking and driving is one of the most dangerous offenses an individual can do to themselves. By getting behind the wheel, the individual is not only creating problems on the road, but they put their own lives and well-being at risk. Despite the strict laws implemented in Canada alone, individuals continue to get into a vehicle and put themselves in danger. According to The Government of Canada, police reported 72, impaired driving incidents in , a rate of incidents per , population. Of the total number of incidents, were cases of impaired driving causing death and were cases of impaired driving causing bodily harm.
As a result, the death and dangerous risks of a driver behind the wheel possesses serious problems in relation to the topic of drinking and driving. Firstly, drunk drivers who get behind the wheel cause serious problems as they kill and take the lives of innocent people whom were not impaired. Every day, individuals of all ages, especially teenagers and young adults, get into a car and drive under the influence of alcohol and or drugs, not realizing the affects and hazards it may have on themselves as well as their surroundings such as other people or bystanders. These decisions may result in a possible collision with another vehicle or other pedestrians, resulting in their death.
Though the impaired driver may have sustained little to no injuries and is alive, the drunk driver has now killed the innocent lives of others, whom were following the rules and road safety. According to CBC News Canada, provincial police say nearly half of the people killed in impaired driving crashes over the past 15 years were not the impaired driver. So far this year, provincial police say 37 people, 19 of who were not the driver, have died in collisions linked to an alcohol or drug-impaired driver on OPP-patrolled roads. They say this marks the fourth consecutive year when the number of innocent people killed is higher than that of impaired drivers who caused the collision.
In life, any death of a loved one can be a tough experience to encounter, but dealing with the death of someone who was a victim of a tragic incident, for instance, drunk driving, a mistake in which could have been prevented. According to Global News, Jennifer Neville-Lake was a devoted mother to her three young children but a car crash that happened almost three years ago robbed her of the opportunity to watch them grow up. On Sept. Neville-Lake spoke with Global News and said she is not the same person she was before the crash. In some cases, when the suspect remains alive and the victim s have deceased, though the impaired driver is lucky to remain alive, they now must prepare for the consequences and difficulties that await them. Marco Muzzo, who was 29 years old at the time of the collision, was driving the Jeep that caused the fatal crash.
After spending the weekend in Miami for his bachelor party, Muzzo and his friends flew back to Pearson International airport on a private jet. Muzzo admitted he had been drinking on the flight back to Ontario and in February , he plead guilty to four counts of driving under the influence causing death and two counts of driving under the influence causing bodily harm. He is currently serving a 10 year jail time sentence and upon release will face a 12 year driving suspension. Drinking and driving is a serious problem in which affects ones bodily functions while driving, puts the driver at risk and puts other drivers and cars around them in danger resulting in serious injuries or death.
Drunk driving not only affects the suspect and the victim, but ultimately affects their family, friends and guardians surrounding them. One mistake of drinking and driving impaired is all is may take to spare an innocent persons life and those supporting them. Luckily, there are several ways in which situations like these can be avoided. Having a designated driver who is not drinking or calling someone to bring you home whether it is a parent, friend or taxi services like an Uber are excellent ways to get home safely and alive, rather than risking not only your life and others. Bibliography CBC News. Global News. Impaired Driving Laws. How to Get a DUI Pardon—Drunk and Impaired Driving in Canada. Northbound Treatment Services. What is Drinking and Driving DUI. Santos, Daniel. Problems Of Drinking And Driving.
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Drunk Driving: Essay on The Dangers of Drinking and Driving,Find Free Essays
WebDrunk Driving is a major problem in my opinion that causes injuries and financial issues the problem can start with you as the solution. Since the number of alcohol related WebThe drinker begins to suffer from what may be a slight but nonetheless noticeable impairment of balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing. Judgement and WebMay 7, · This paper discusses issues and consequences relating to drunk-driving. Issues around drunk-driving. In all states of the United States, it is illegal to drive under WebTo conclude, drinking and driving is a serious problem as it affects the individual’s ability to drive due to bodily changes as a result of intoxication. Drinking and driving is not WebJul 10, · Drunk drivers are just accidental murderers; they don’t want to kill people they just do things that they know will cause fatal injuries to themselves WebNov 21, · Problem And Solution To Drunk Driving Essay Dangers and Need for Preventing Drunk Driving. Driving require a variety of skills and technique that often ... read more
If you drink and drive, not only are you putting yourself at risk, but your passengers and the pedestrians outside of your vehicle. For this reason, drunk driving is not directly correlated with the drinking age. The Pros And Cons Of Mothers Against Drunk Driving Words 4 Pages The National Transportation Safety Board NTSB recommends lowering the legal blood-alcohol level to 0. In life, any death of a loved one can be a tough experience to encounter, but dealing with the death of someone who was a victim of a tragic incident, for instance, drunk driving, a mistake in which could have been prevented. After that, add a few sentences describing the background of the problem using factual data where necessary. About one-third of all drivers arrested or convicted of drunk driving are repeat offenders.
They probably had to problems of drinking and driving essay that call for an ambulance and ask the dispatcher to send the coroner instead. Related Topics. Start each paragraph by introducing the point you are planning to review, show what you have found when researching it, and analyze these findings. He is currently serving a 10 year jail time sentence and upon release will face a 12 year driving suspension. Table of Contents.
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