Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Essay on invention of computer

Essay on invention of computer

Essay about The History of Computers,Computer Inventions In The 20th Century

WebJan 10,  · When we think about technology mostly the first thing that comes AdGrammarly Can Save You from Grammatical Mistakes and Other Writing Issues. Try It Today. How to Write Better Essays: 5 Concepts You Must Master WebJan 10,  · When we think about technology mostly the first thing that comes to my mind is the image of a computer. Technological advancements such as computer WebAug 10,  · Invention of the computer 1. The privacy of the common man has been compromised. 2. The use of universal numbers in almost every part of our life WebThe development of computers changed our lives completely and we cannot imagine our lives without them. According to Mastermind Abacus (), the first apparatus used for ... read more

In s, magnetic technology came along with tape and hard disk storage. Magnetic tape became more popular because it was cheaper to produce and more reliable comparing to the hard disk at the time. Technology impacts innumerable aspects of western civilization, including its advancement in the world. In addition to that statement, its historical significance over the years has developed at a constant rate that continues to evolve. Amidst these influential technologies is the significance of the computer and its organizational efficiency. The historical importance of computers comes a long way from all this tool is used for today.

The original purpose of a computer was just to simply punch numbers or crack the Enigma code, and now it is one of the most common devices used today for a plethora of purposes; such as socially, professionally, financially, and educationally. This high volume of electronics in every aspect of our lives plays a huge role in how people interact with each other and live their lives. Personal computers have come a long way since their invention in the early 20th century. At first personal computers were only for hobbyists…. It is a pavement of the present to the future, and a part of everyday life that many people rely on because there are countless technological devices that exist, and engineers are constantly creating more each day.

Out of all the technological devices that exist, the computer is the most prominent piece because of its vast capabilities. Computers serve multiple purposes in major fields such as education, medicine, law enforcement, science, and psychology. Therefore, it is a powerful tool that not only performs operations faster than a human can, but it also aids in making miracles happen. The computer is arguably one of the most essential devices in our daily life. Despite not coming into use for an exceedingly long time, they show a great helpfulness for our society in several fields. The computers are continuosly developing everyday.

As a matter of fact, they are believed to outgrow and become even more intelligent than any humanbeing in the future. Computer science is an excellent career choice because it deals with one of the fastest growing fields, computers Smith. This career is constantly evolving, which makes the workplace stimulating and challenging. Computer science is changing the world we inhabit by making many advancements in computing. In the s, computer science became an independent discipline; however, the study of the electronic computer was around prior to it History. The development of Boolean algebra accelerated computer science. It was later on proven to be Turing complete, which means that given the; appropriate algorithms, necessary time and memory, it could solve the same problems that the Turing machine could.

It was also the first digital computer since it predates the ABC by one year O 'Regan. Z3 took computing from analog to…. For example, a person is given an essay that he believes he knows ideas about it but doesn't hesitate to use them because his afraid he might be wrong. He refers using the computer to gain information about what he needs because basically he doesn't trust his ability of doing something good on his own. Humans today are quite like vashti the protagonist in the story "the machine stops", in which she rally's on the machine for everything.

She beings to worship the machine to the point…. The more advanced technology becomes, the more it seems to have control over our lives. According to Lee Siegel, "we shop, work, play, love, search for information, seek to communicate with each other and sometimes with the world online. We spend more time online than ever before. Yet people are not arguing about this startling new condition. From students to business men, everyone owns a computer. Without a computer, life seems quite impossible. It is the most versatile machine ever been made. Anyone can use a computer according to his or her own desire. For example, a small kid may use a computer to play games or a student may use it as a medium to extract information from the internet, etc.

The importance of this machine can be observed in our day-to-day life. The computer is entertaining but yet dangerous to our eyes. Children of our world love being on the computer. The computer is one of the best inventions because it helps you with a lot of things. Number one is work. It allows us to save all our important document and keeps them in a private file. Yet, there are people who trust machines more than their fellow man. Carr believes that admiring modern technology is fine, but we should praise it. We are in charge of the computer, and not the other way around. The web should be used to deepen the thoughts of our brains instead of letting the shallowness of our thoughts deepen googles search….

In , Jobs and his friend, Steve Wozniak began building a prototype computer. It was the first of its kind-- a personal computer. Less than two years later the Apple Inc. rolled out with Apple II which became the first widely-used personal computer in the world. Computers, previously common only to businesses, were now accessible to the average person. Or the anonymous terrorisms have broken news that threatens to political socio-economic development of a…. Computer will always have a remarkable impact in our modern lives. Today, computers and laptops are globally used in our generation. They also skip classes and they borrowed money from their parents in order to pay projects, but the truth is they pay it to the computer shop.

When you are hooked in television or become addicted to it. Watching too much can drain your energy. Even we people who are responsible of building and creating gadgets and machines abuse its uses. This results to people blaming technology for widespread pollution where in…. A few years ago, computers were practically unheard of by most people. Today, computers are one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. The world has changed since these machines have come along. The earliest computers, supercomputers, were huge and very slow while current computers, laptops, are very small yet very fast and efficient.

Computers has actually evolved and with the trend of technological advancements, more discoveries are yet to be made. Computers are found in almost all fields i. The uses of computers cut across all fields for the basic functions and then differences in function are specific to fields. Computers are used to enter information and store them. Specific tasks are also performed using computers for example monitoring of performance or office work. Computers are also used for entertainment like computer games, watching and listening to music.

Computers are used to access information from the internet and it enables learning and communication. Computers enable quick and efficient storage and processing of information. The simplification of work and efficiency is enabled by computers. Computers enable digitalization of things like photos, documents and books. This makes the learners to have less baggage when carrying their reading material because they have been digitalized. Digitalization also saves time because when one is in need of a photo or a document, it is easier to get a digitalized one than a manual one.

Computers have made work easier for people and therefore there is reduced activity. Reduced human activity results in development of unhealthy lifestyles and diseases associated with sedentary lifestyles. Computers have also enabled the access to internet, which cause social problems like immorality. The use of computers has also caused a reduction in human interaction because people are glued to their computers because they can do everything on a computer from ordering food to communicating, to paying bills and other things. Based on the shred knowledge on computers, it is evident that its use has diversified globally.

The use has increased efficiency and it has improved almost all sectors of life ranging from the social, economic, cultural and political. The use of computers has its pros and cons. Computers are actually essential because they complement human abilities and they will go a long way in improving the way of life. Computer is one such man made device without which the mankind cannot imagine their existence. In short, a computer is a device that processes and stores information entered as the input and displays the information as the required output as and when the user desires.

Very huge in size and limited in functionality, the earlier computer was as big as an entire room and they consumed more power. It was in the year when Charles Babbage despite his limited resources and finances came up with a programmed version of the computer. Later, his son Henry Babbage modified the computer into a simpler unit. Initially, the use of computer was limited. They were merely used for calculations and not for carrying out tasks. There was an important role played by computer in The World War II. War planning required huge calculations and with the aid of a computer, the armies found it easy.

There was a time when people considered the computer as a luxury but today it is a necessity. People cannot imagine their life without a computer. Modern computer carries out almost every task that the human desires. A computer nowadays is designed to store information and perform innumerable tasks as and when the user wants. The information entered by the user is transmitted to the computer in the form of a programming language which is again transmitted into human language and the result is displayed. Well, with computer becoming the backbone of almost every industry running today, you can very well judge whether it is a luxury or a necessity. It is literally impossible to list the uses of a computer because the list is exhaustive. Basically, a computer nowadays performs innumerable tasks and it is required in every field.

Thus, computer has been made a compulsory subject in primary schools almost everywhere. It has become an indispensable need for mankind and we cannot go a day without a computer. Available in varied designs and sizes, the modern day computer has also been modified into a portable form called a laptop. You can carry it wherever you go. Be it offices, shops, schools, homes, and almost every other place; people cannot imagine their life without a computer. It is one such invention that has made human life super easy.

Well, just like everything has its share of advantage and disadvantages the same goes for computer. The increasing rate in cybercrime is the biggest disadvantage that comes with computer. But if apt preventive measures are taken then maybe we can remedy the situation. Owing to the advantages computer has to offer we can overlook the few disadvantages it has. The fast moving life that people are living nowadays is only possible because of this wonderful invention. With the passage of time, there has been an unbelievable advancement in the field of computer and the world has been constantly changing since then.

Owing to the rapid pace with which the computer industry has progressed, it can be rightly said that the coming days will be brighter, smarter and technically more advanced because we are sure to come up with even better computer systems. Electronic devices on a whole might be making us lazy but we cannot deny the fact that computer is not just any ordinary electronic device; it is a boon to the human race. Computers have been around in various forms for the past two centuries. Over that relatively short period of time this machine, or tool, has transformed mankind equally as much as fire or the wheel. That being said sometimes we take this device for granted and do not appreciate all the different things it is giving us.

When you stop and think about all the places where you can find a computer you will realize that almost all human endeavors in the present have some form of computerized help. People have made many different tools all through history that they used to help them calculate and keep track of their resources. The idea has been around for a couple of thousand years but the technology was not advanced enough for us to make anything that resembles our modern computers till the 20 th century. The first computers were analog devices that were used for solving different problems, that is they could perform an operation based on a predetermined mechanism that was usually based on a mathematical equation.

That type of computer did not have enough flexibility to be used for many tasks and it could not be reprogramed. The first digital computer was called Z3 and it was developed in after successive models were upgraded. The age that saw the birth of the computer also saw many changes in technology and manufacturing that made computer parts available for mass use. Those developments led to the invention of personal computers that were much cheaper and easier to use and once the public got hold of them a revolution in their usage was sparked. The estimate from states that over 2 billion computers are in use today. The number suggests that there are a lot of devices all over the world being used every single moment. You are probably reading this from a computer and if not, you are reading it from a device that owes its existence to the computer and electronics revolution mentioned in the segment above.

Some people have suggested that computers are having a bad influence on people because they are making us distant from each other and because people tend to spend most of their day sitting in front of the computer looking like they are doing nothing. The fact is this is not something the computer does but rather the people who use them. Like with most other things in life that give us enjoyment we sometimes tend to misuse them and cause harm to ourselves. The fact is that the present looks like it does because of the time and resources computers have saved us and this is an undisputed fact. Computers are becoming more complex and at the same time simpler to use making them widely distributed with a tendency to take over the world.

There are many plans for the future of computers and as time goes by, they are capable of finding solutions to complex and unimagined problems. They are used in almost all the industries from mining to hospitality management and everywhere they find a unique task, or several, that they can perform. They have become so indispensable to our lives that some people are actually considering making them a part of their body and integrating the computer operations with the organism. This can sound a bit bizarre but people are actually making advancements in this field and cyborg devices are being implemented to help people with disabilities more often as time passes. The potential the computer has to help us is immense and the limit is only our imagination and the resources we have at our disposal.

This tool can be thought to perform endless tasks even the experts get surprised sometimes. The future looks like its full of stars but we have to keep in mind that through their use we speed up all our processes altering our existence in a sense we have to keep both eyes open for signs of potentially dangerous outcomes of some of the technological advancements we use. A computer, in terms of definition, is such a device, which through the use of computer programming, executes the arithmetic and logical operations. Computers are used as control frameworks for a wide assortment of modern and shopper gadgets.

This includes simple gadgets like microwaves and remote controls, plant gadgets, for example, modern robots and computer helped structure, and furthermore broadly useful gadgets like computers and cell phones. Charles Babbage, an English mechanical designer and polymath, began the idea of a programmable computer. Considered as the father of the computer, he conceptualized and concocted the primary mechanical computer in the mid-nineteenth century. In the wake of chipping away at his progressive distinction motor, intended to help in navigational figuring, in he understood that a considerably more broad structure, an Analytical Engine, was conceivable. The contribution of projects and information was to be given to the machine by means of punched cards, a strategy being utilized as an opportunity to coordinate mechanical weavers as the Jacquard linger.

Essay on Computer! These essays will also guide you to learn about the types, history, importance, uses, advantages and disadvantages of computer. Contents List of Essays on Computer Essay on Computer — For Class 2 Students Essay 1 — Words Essay on Computer — For Kids and Children Essay 2 — Words Essay on Computer and Its Uses Essay 3 — words Essay on Computer Essay 4 — Words Essay on Computer — Advantages and Disadvantages Essay 5 — Words Essay on Computer — For Class 12 Students Essay 6 — Words Essay on Computer — For Students Essay 7 — Words Essay on Computer — History, Parts and Advantages Essay 8 — Words. Computer is one of the greatest invention of man.

The present age students under any circumstances would never imagine even in their dreams that there were a time when there were no computers. So much we have propelled that now every data is only a click away and in your grasp, day in and day out. This headway was conceivable just with the presentation of a little gadget called the Computer. In order to make the students aware about the history of computer and make them learn more about them, we have prepared essays for students. These essays shall throw light on the advancements that the world has seen in the field of computers and shall prove helpful for the preparation of examinations as well. Audience: The below given essays are exclusively written for kids, children and school students Class 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and A computer is an electronic device used to process and store and display data.

This is, however, an oversimplification of what a computer as the device has grown to perform several other functions that exceed the above description. Computers are generally classified into three types based on how they process information. To this end, they are classified as the analog, digital and hybrid computers. This classification determines the speed and accuracy of each computer. A computer can serve several functions aside from the obvious function of storing and processing data. Some of them are enumerated below:. The computer is already a member of our daily lives. The technology has found its way into all aspects of our lives.

Till the end, computer will stay useful in every field. The invention of computer and its subsequent use has helped in making the dreams of many people come into the realisation and it is almost impossible to imagine what our lives would be like without the computer. A computer is basically a device that can be used for a lot of purposes ranging from storage of information, messaging, email, calculation, software programming, data processing and so many more. A desktop computer comprises of a monitor, a CPU, a keyboard, an UPS, a mouse for the computer to function very well. A laptop does not need all of the other things apart from itself to function. The computer is basically an electronic device that has a large memory and can save any amount of data.

The human race has become extremely dependent on the technology of the computer. The computer and its technology is now used in every filed and area. Students of any grade use the computer to prepare for exams, download lecture notes, prepare their projects, collect a lot of information within very few minutes and learn how and paint with various computer software. The computer improves professional skills in students and increases their chances of getting a good job easily. The 21 st century computer are very much advanced which means that they are lighter, smaller, more powerful and speedier. They can be used in all fields like in traffic control, weather forecasting, shopping, education, medical sector, crime detection, machinery operations, spacecraft guidance, examinations, and so on.

Overall, the computer has revolutionised technology and how we handle things. It is the coolest product of science and technology that has made our lives so easier. Computers are becoming omnipresent as we can find computers everywhere right from homes, schools, colleges, offices, laboratories to libraries, museums and even hospitals. Computer is actually a machine that has the capacity to store large amount of data and can do numerous tasks in a much lesser time compared to humans. It collects input from users, processes it and delivers the expected result as output. The first mechanical Computer was created by Charles Babbage. The important accessories of a computer are — Mouse, Keyboard, Central Processing Unit CPU , and the Printer.

What makes Computer so important is its usage, efficiency and easy accessibility. The amazing benefits of Computer makes it the most needed technological equipment. Computers are of great use in the field of Education. It helps teachers prepare presentations for seminars; students find it easy to work on their projects from their homes using computer. No industries or business work without computers today. All financial transactions, employee record keeping, business processes are all done through computers. It is very astonishing to know that Computers are widely used in the medical field also.

Computers are used while conducting the medical procedures like X-ray, CT scan, MRI scan, etc. Computers are a boon to the defense department as they help in detecting incoming missiles, diagnosing bombs thereby help in saving lives. Computer is a wonderful gift of science created by man to help mankind. Laptop and desktops are the forms of computers that are ruling the world today and these has definitely changed the live style of people and status of developing countries. Science and technology has been making a steadfast progress and it surely is now the era of computers. With so much rapid progress being made in the field of computers, it is only a matter of time until our lives too start being controlled by these machines.

While we cannot disagree to how computers have simplified our lives, it is important to ensure that we know how to limit the use of technology in our lives. The best way to do this is by ensuring that we put technology to constructive use. There is no doubt that using computers has solved a great deal of complex problems. A lot of things which would have involved endless manpower can be done in a matter of few seconds. At the same time; using computer eliminates the possibility of manual errors as well. There is no end to the kind of applications which has been made possible with the help of computers. The endless games we are often hooked to, the multimedia options, the ease to print on the go and a hundred other things are all marvel of modern day computing.

We still have a long way to go and there is so much more which one needs to accomplish. However, if we take a look at the kind of progress we have made, it is definitely impressive. There was a time when super computers occupied a whole room and it was too expensive for regular people to afford it. However, with changing times technology has improved and now we have palm sized laptops that can be quickly taken anywhere on the go. So, if you too are fascinated by the world of computers, the right thing to do is to make sure that you truly understand the concept of the technology and then utilize it for the good.

Computers can simplify a lot of problems and offer befitting solutions to too many complexities. The need has been feet to put it to right and constructive use. While people may wonder if we have become too dependent on science, there is no denying the fact that computers have definitely improved our life for the good. Controlled progress could help in contributing to a better life which can also suit the sustainable model too. Computers are being used widely in the 21 st century especially since most people require internet to run their daily activities. Computers are basically the electronic devices that are used to store and manipulate information that is retrievable and can be stored for long-term use.

These devices have been in use since the nineteenth century. The use of computers has escalated in the 21 st century due to advancements in technology and the civilization in the society. People use computers for different reasons and they value its use because of the benefits the computer has. During the development of computers, there have been several advancements which include the reduction in size and the improvement of speed and efficiency. The earliest computers, supercomputers, were huge and very slow while current computers, laptops, are very small yet very fast and efficient. Computers has actually evolved and with the trend of technological advancements, more discoveries are yet to be made. Computers are found in almost all fields i.

The uses of computers cut across all fields for the basic functions and then differences in function are specific to fields. Computers are used to enter information and store them. Specific tasks are also performed using computers for example monitoring of performance or office work. Computers are also used for entertainment like computer games, watching and listening to music. Computers are used to access information from the internet and it enables learning and communication. Computers enable quick and efficient storage and processing of information. The simplification of work and efficiency is enabled by computers. Computers enable digitalization of things like photos, documents and books. This makes the learners to have less baggage when carrying their reading material because they have been digitalized.

Digitalization also saves time because when one is in need of a photo or a document, it is easier to get a digitalized one than a manual one. Computers have made work easier for people and therefore there is reduced activity. Reduced human activity results in development of unhealthy lifestyles and diseases associated with sedentary lifestyles. Computers have also enabled the access to internet, which cause social problems like immorality. The use of computers has also caused a reduction in human interaction because people are glued to their computers because they can do everything on a computer from ordering food to communicating, to paying bills and other things.

Based on the shred knowledge on computers, it is evident that its use has diversified globally. The use has increased efficiency and it has improved almost all sectors of life ranging from the social, economic, cultural and political. The use of computers has its pros and cons. Computers are actually essential because they complement human abilities and they will go a long way in improving the way of life. Computer is one such man made device without which the mankind cannot imagine their existence. In short, a computer is a device that processes and stores information entered as the input and displays the information as the required output as and when the user desires.

Very huge in size and limited in functionality, the earlier computer was as big as an entire room and they consumed more power. It was in the year when Charles Babbage despite his limited resources and finances came up with a programmed version of the computer. Later, his son Henry Babbage modified the computer into a simpler unit.

Essay on Computer,Technological Influences on Early Science Fiction

AdGrammarly Can Save You from Grammatical Mistakes and Other Writing Issues. Try It Today. How to Write Better Essays: 5 Concepts You Must Master WebThe development of computers changed our lives completely and we cannot imagine our lives without them. According to Mastermind Abacus (), the first apparatus used for WebAug 10,  · Invention of the computer 1. The privacy of the common man has been compromised. 2. The use of universal numbers in almost every part of our life WebIn , a man named Robert Noyce, a physicist invented the integrated circuit which was a tiny chip of silicon that contained an entire electronic circuit. Now, computers have WebJan 10,  · When we think about technology mostly the first thing that comes to my mind is the image of a computer. Technological advancements such as computer WebJan 10,  · When we think about technology mostly the first thing that comes ... read more

It was later on proven to be Turing complete, which means that given the; appropriate algorithms, necessary time and memory, it could solve the same problems that the Turing machine could. The first ever computer was invented in the s by Charlse Babbage. They are used in almost all the industries from mining to hospitality management and everywhere they find a unique task, or several, that they can perform. There was a time when super computers occupied a whole room and it was too expensive for regular people to afford it. For example, one may get the access of your bank account or your shopping account like Amazon account and the hacker can have the capacity to access the bank account details or the credit or debit cards which can then be misused by the hacker. How Have Computers Changed Over The Years.

This includes simple gadgets like microwaves and remote controls, plant gadgets, for example, modern robots and computer helped structure, and furthermore broadly useful gadgets like computers and cell phones. Cpu Is The Best For Your Requirements Words 8 Pages, essay on invention of computer. This shows developed country in the world is equipped with a computer. Computers has actually evolved and with the trend of technological advancements, more discoveries are yet to be made. cookielawinfo-checkbox-performance 11 months This cookie is set by Essay on invention of computer Cookie Consent plugin. Each one of the activities can be performed in a quick manner in view of its speed otherwise it requires a long investment to complete the assignment. The ability to do many tasks together, or in computer terms what is referred to as multitasking is one of the real advantages of a computer.

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