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Essays on genocide

Essays on genocide

Genocide, Essay Example,Introduction

Web45 helpful sources on genocide essay topics Daniel Goldhagen, “Hitler’s Willing Executioners, Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust” David E. Stannard, “The American WebGenocide is described as the act of intentionally murdering a large number of people in a specific country or ethnicity. In the UN Genocide Convention, the killing of an WebThe genocide is estimated to have killed more than million individuals during that campaign (Jones ). It is noted as one of the greatest tragedies involving humans in Web�� Good Essay Topics on Genocide The Lack of Involvement by the Government and International Community in the Genocide in Darfur The Misconceptions and the Outside WebGenocide: Roles, Consequences and Resources. words | 5 Pages. The aftermath of genocide and mass violence has become a popular topic of interest over time. ... read more

Failure to distribute power and resources equally leaves one faction feeling shortchanged, and feelings of mass murder slowly follow. These two groups were geared at fighting for equality and fairness in the entire Sudanese state. The efforts by the government to suppress the non-Arab tribes and the subsequent uprisings only escalated the volatility of the situation. Both groups were bent on realizing their desires devoid of compromise, an inevitable feature of conflict resolution. Favoritism also plays a key role in the onset of genocide in Sudan as well as other parts of the world in which this crime has reared its ugly head. In the case of Sudan and the Darfur genocide, the segregation of Sudanese Arabs in elitist tendencies was the spark in this raging fire.

Upon the formation of the government, almost all officials that were appointed to head various department of the toddler government were the Arabs. This outright favoritism and superiority complex in the Sudanese Arabs jolted the other ethnic groups into ganging up against them. Further discrimination of non-Muslims by the government also fueled the fire that Darfur burns in to date. The absence of a strong government that is willing to end the genocide in the Darfur region is also a stumbling block to realizing the end of this massacre. The involvement of the state in the genocide by funding, as well as, arming the Janjaweed militia plays a central role in the failure of achieving a ceasefire between the two groups. It is difficult for a state to solve a problem of which it is a key player.

The resistance faced from the government officials in ending the genocide is also responsible for the current state of affairs in Darfur. Research and Analysis Inhibitors to the Realization of a Solution. The biggest reason as to the failure of finding a solution is the involvement of the government. Through its efforts in supporting the Janjaweed militia, the government shows that it supports the superiority and elitist claims that this militia tirelessly champions. Asking this same government to denounce the militia and end the genocide is akin to asking the government to admit its folly and pivotal roles in supporting the genocide.

For the Sudanese government, its involvement in the genocide has surpassed the point of return and now the government cannot jump ship. Their fates are intertwined, and they will only sink if they do so together. History has a way of repeating itself. The injustices suffered by the minority ethnic groups of Sudan have left a permanent scar on their lives. Asking these individuals to suddenly forget all these atrocities is almost impossible. The spirit of vengeance burns brightly in the bosoms of the minority Sudanese. This has been a stumbling block towards achieving peace as those Sudanese that seek vengeance seek it for themselves and their ancestors and fallen loved ones.

Many of those that fight on have vowed to do so to death, and this only worsens a scenario that is at its worst. Many of these Sudanese who continue fighting will end up dead like their ancestors, and for the same cause. This is a saddening feat, seeing that it highlights the inability of the Sudanese society to learn from its past mistakes. Possible Solutions. The key towards finding a solution to genocide is addressing the underlying contentious issues. By addressing the bones of contention, a lasting solution can be achieved. In the case of Darfur, land disputes between the warring factions must be addressed.

Solving these land issues in a free and fair manner that is devoid of favoritism and bias will ensure that both parties cease fighting. Dividing the land or promoting cohabitation by both groups can provide a lasting solution to the land disputes. In the case that the land is profitable, cost sharing in investment and dividing profits equally can be an avenue towards finding lasting peace in Darfur. The United Nations is a pivotal organization in the world, seeing that it oversees every important facet of the global financial, political and social landscape.

Taking a stronger stand on matters genocide in the world will provide a safety net for the millions of innocent civilians that are affected by genocide. Having its own standing army will also bolster the international presence of the United Nations. Reliance on member states to contribute soldiers from their own armies slows down the response ability of the United Nations. This is because many member states consider the political implications of their support when the country being affected by this action is considered an ally or a potential enemy. There is a great need for the United Nations to have such standing forces that are specially trained to handle such conflicts. Last but not least, physicians always insist that prevention is better than cure, and there is no exception to this rule.

Every nation must be alert to potential discords and move swiftly to nip them in the bud. In the case of Darfur, had the government then seen the potential that the discord between the warring groups had, they would have taken swift action to prevent the development of the dispute into genocide. The Sudanese government, as well as, the rogue militias should eat humble pie and admit the wrongs that they have done. It is only by both parties admitting their wrongs to each other that the Darfur genocide stands a chance of remaining in the past. It is also necessary that the United Nations take a bold stand on the Darfur genocide.

It does not help to have a dog which only barks but does not bite. The United Nations is charged with the mandate of ensuring peace and equality in this world. It should flex its muscle on matters genocide as a warning to all those leaders who think themselves above the law. The equitable distribution of resources and power proves the best method to combat genocide, seeing that this approach saved Rwanda from the flames of genocide. By having leaders who oversaw the equitable distribution of power and resources, Rwanda has overcome the divisive hatred that pitted the Tutsi against the Hutu. If this approach is considered in Darfur, perhaps the genocide will become a stain left in the past.

Genocide is the mass murder of a specific group of people for a specific reason, more often than not racial or ethnic. It is a crime that holds no place in any society, in this world. Just like Rwanda, Darfur now lays at a crossroads. The fighting has gone on for too long, and it is time that the Sudanese resolved to solve this problem. The election of fair and just leaders who will ensure equitable distribution of resources and power, as well as, the mend the national unity fabric will end the turmoil that has become the way of life of the Sudanese people. Cheadle, Don, and John Prendergast. Not on Our Watch: The Mission to End Genocide in Darfur and Beyond. New York, N.

Friedman, Mark. London: Raintree, Levy, Janey. Genocide in Darfur. New York: Rosen Pub, Prunier, Gérard. Darfur: The Ambiguous Genocide. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, Steidle, Brian, and Gretchen Steidle Wallace. The Devil Came on Horseback Bearing Witness to the Genocide in Darfur. New York: Public Affairs, Totten, Samuel. The Prevention and Intervention of Genocide. New Brunswick, N. The Caux Round-table principle believes that the world business community plays an important role in the improvement of economic and social conditions. Through an extensive as well as the collaborative process, the business leaders in the Caux Round-table principles developed the CRT principles for businesses in order to embody the aspiration of principled business leadership.

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The first genocide in…. Sometimes you will receive account related emails. Home Free Essay Samples Social Issues Genocide Essays on Genocide. The experiment… Genocide Research. Words: Pages: 2. Continue reading. About GENOCIDE Genocide is described as the act of intentionally murdering a large number of people in a specific country or ethnicity. The first genocide in… Evil Genocide United Nations. Words: Pages: 4. Found a perfect essay sample but want a unique one? Request writing help from expert writer in you fied!

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Paper Types. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. It is a very specific term, referring to violent crimes committed against groups with the intent to destroy the existence of the group. Human rights, as laid out in the US Bill of Rights or the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, concern the rights of individuals. The phrase genocide existed in It refers to violent crimes against human beings with the intention of destroying the being of those individuals or groups. There is a concern for human rights in the US Bill of Rights and in the United Nations Universal Declaration.

After the holocaust on 9 December, the UN approved the prevention and conservation and punishment of genocide as a crime as championed by Lemkin. The Conservation declares genocide a global crime, which must be punished and prevented. It is defined as acts done with the intention of destroying, in part or in whole, ethnic, religion, national, or any other group through mass killing of members, causing physical or mental harm, having measure to prevent births, or transferring children to another area of group by force. Both the Kosovo and the Cambodian genocides were horrible and involved, mass killings, rotting bodies, and strange empty graves. Many witnesses and evidence were hidden through intimidation and killings Jones The Khmer Rouge began their killings campaign immediately they took authority of Cambodia in The targets were all intellectuals who included religious leaders, doctors, attorneys, and military leaders.

The genocide is estimated to have killed more than 1. It is noted as one of the greatest tragedies involving humans in the 20 th century. The oppressive, ultra-communist Khmer Rouge rule that was led by Pol Pot, wanted to convert the country to agrarian utopia and this led to mass killing of the people in Cambodia. In and , more than 12, Kosovan men, children, and women were killed by the Serbian forces. Another eight hundred thousand were deported by force, while others fled in fear of being murdered Hughes The act was referred as to ethnic cleansing, cleansing the elements or the people who were undesirable and unwanted. These people were discriminated against and were seen as unclean and unnecessary, the Albanians. There was a mass act of rape of women, torture and brutality, and sadism Quigley The overall results were extreme dehumanization.

However, thousands of Albanians kept missing and never returned home even after Slobodan in , released thousands of Albanian prisoners from jails. With reference to the US bombings, for in both instances there is a debatable case for a link to subsequent killing committed by the rule of Slobodan Milosevic and Pol Pot. Most urban inhabitants believed that the momentary mass departure was required because of the risk of renewed harassment from the US air force. In Kosovo, assaults on Kosovar Albanians that were modest in scale only became full-sized tribal cleansing after the North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO bombing battle had begun. However, to an onlooker it seems grotesquely one-sided to examine only the slaughter of the Khmer Rouge and Serbian armed forces and mercenaries.

To the sufferers, individuals whose bodies are maimed and whose houses are destroyed by napalm and cluster bombs, terms like collateral damage are little more than literalism Simon The Kosovan genocide was largely aimed at killing of the Albanian by the Serbian forces as directed by the Serbian leader Slobodan after the declaration that Kosovo was still and would remain part of Serbia. The violent response by the Albanians is what led to the mastermind of the genocide by the Serbian leader Quigley In contrast, the Cambodian genocide was planned when Pol Pot and his group took power in Cambodia and was target at mass killing of all intellectuals in the country for the interest of the party. Therefore, it is clearly noted that the two events are different as Kosovan genocide was what can be termed as ethnic or national genocide as it was one nation killing the other nation, while that of Cambodia is a group genocide as it involved killing of a certain targeted group of people, the intellectuals in the country Simon In summary, having seen the effects of the crime of genocide in these two cases, genocide must be prevented with all measures as it leads to both mental and physical harm to the victims, and mass murder with the intention of whipping out the target group by the dominant group.

It is an international crime and, therefore, must be punished as it is against human rights. Hughes, J. Colonial genocide and reparations claims in the 21st century the socio-legal context of claims under international law by the Herero against Germany for genocide in Namibia, Westport, Conn: Praeger Security International. Quigley, J. The Genocide Convention an international law analysis. Aldershot, England Burlington, VT: Ashgate Pub. Simon, T. The laws of genocide: prescriptions for a just world. The Future is Yours Still , Essay Example. The Story of Success Malcom Gladwell, Essay Example. Need a professionally written Custom Essay? Right now, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a.

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Get a Free E-Book! Genocide, Essay Example. Pages: 4 Words: Essay. This Essay was written by one of our professional writers. Need a custom Essay written for you? HIRE A WRITER! Similarities Both the Kosovo and the Cambodian genocides were horrible and involved, mass killings, rotting bodies, and strange empty graves. Differences The Kosovan genocide was largely aimed at killing of the Albanian by the Serbian forces as directed by the Serbian leader Slobodan after the declaration that Kosovo was still and would remain part of Serbia.

Conclusion In summary, having seen the effects of the crime of genocide in these two cases, genocide must be prevented with all measures as it leads to both mental and physical harm to the victims, and mass murder with the intention of whipping out the target group by the dominant group. References Hughes, J. Jones, A. Genocide a comprehensive introduction. London New York: Routledge. Stuck with your Essay? Get in touch with one of our experts for instant help! Messenger Live chat. Tags: APA High School History. The Future is Yours Still , Essay Example Essay. The Story of Success Malcom Gladwell, Essay Example Essay.

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WebGenocide is described as the act of intentionally murdering a large number of people in a specific country or ethnicity. In the UN Genocide Convention, the killing of an WebThe Rwanda genocide becomes the extreme genocide that occurred in the 20 th century. This essay explores the history of the genocide, the reasoning of the Hutu government Web45 helpful sources on genocide essay topics Daniel Goldhagen, “Hitler’s Willing Executioners, Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust” David E. Stannard, “The American WebThe equitable distribution of resources and power proves the best method to combat genocide WebThe three main causes of genocide are economic depression, dehumanization and propaganda. An example of genocide at its core is the Holocaust, where citizens WebThe genocide is estimated to have killed more than million individuals during that campaign (Jones ). It is noted as one of the greatest tragedies involving humans in ... read more

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United States of Islamophobia Words: Pages: 9 Sophie Mize March 7th, Honors English IV 4th Period American Islamophobia and Genocide Hatred is a learned behavior, essays on genocide, and more than a behavior, it is used as a tool in times of turmoil. Parents are forced to watch their children die while children are deprived of their childhoods. The clearest example of dehumanization was the Holocaust. GET Essays on genocide HELP. Many witnesses and evidence were hidden through intimidation and killings Jones Essay Topics Writing. These people were discriminated against and were seen as unclean and unnecessary, the Albanians.

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