Cons of Legalizing Recreational Marijuana Use,Stay in the know with the latest on our fight against the legalization of marijuana
WebMarijuana should be illegal because it will cause an increase in drug users and drug related crimes, the short term and long term effects of marijuana on the body, and the effect it will have on the country. One of the consequences of legalization would be a WebBased on the data it seems that marijuana should be the legal drug because of the less dangerous and life threatening effects. But this isn’t the case; alcohol is legal while WebMarijuana should be illegal for the bulk of medical intents because of the potentially unsafe side effects. Some of these side effects include oversight, or no commonsense for WebWhy Marijuana Should Be Illegal In today's society the topic of the legalization of marijuana is a very controversial subject. There are many who believe that this substance should WebIf marijuana use is legalized, then America should prepare for acute industrial gap, which would result into expensive outsourcing of healthy minds from overseas markets such as ... read more
Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Thus, like drunkenness, using marijuana inhibits your mental and physical state. It puts you in a vulnerable position that takes your dependency off God and in a temporary place where you rely on worldly things marijuana to feel good. Time and time again, Scripture says to flee from the flesh, for you will only find full satisfaction in life through the love of a perfect Father. Shank is the Editor-in-Chief. Follow her on Twitter. Although advocates may argue that the legalization of marijuana has many potential benefits, such as it would lessen our national debt and benefit our overall economic system, opponents may beg to differ.
In this essay, the debate over the legalization of marijuana continues, with arguments over the therapeutic benefits versus the dangerous adverse effects of marijuana, the influence marijuana has on individuals, and whether or not the legalization of this drug could benefit our economy. Marijuana is a very prominent and controversial issue in society today. Although many slanderous claims have been made about cannabis in recent history, the truths are slowly starting to resurface. As a marijuana consumer and a current medical marijuana patient, I strongly believe that marijuana should be legalized for all users. Currently in the United States today, marijuana is prohibited by federal law and has been a topic of controversial debate since the start of the prohibition.
There are several, important reasons for the legalization of marijuana, including research concerning these issues are beneficial in understanding both sides of the debate. Marijuana has a history dating back many years, and has been used in various cultures in different ways. In recent years, marijuana has become a forefront topic in the world of American politics whether or not it should be legalized. Marijuana has been adapted to fit our lifestyles and our social environment. Thus, the drug should be legalized because it has many medical beneficial uses, the ability to generate billions of dollars in tax revenue, and would lower the cost to imprison individuals arrested for crimes related to marijuana.
Several topics in modern day society cause controversy, but one topic that out ranks them all is the legalization of marijuana. The main argument is whether not marijuana should be treated the same as already legalized drugs, such as tobacco and alcohol. Many Americans use marijuana illegally; the people using the drug range from the age of teens to even adults in their eighties. Marijuana is considered by most, especially in legal terms, as a dangerous drug. Although the drug is seen as such, many still continue to use it and argue it should be legalized for several reasons. Both citizens and government officials alike debate this topic.
To successfully develop and argument for the legalization of marijuana the topic must be defined, the history of the topic must be unveiled, an argument must be made, and a good solution should be proposed. Yes, both sides of the argument both have well supported positions, but marijuana should be legalized by the United States government because the facts supporting legalization far outweigh the arguments keeping the drug as it is. The legality of Marijuana has been subject to debate and controversy for decades. Cannabis is illegal to consume, possess, trade, cultivate and transfer in most countries. Since the beginning of mass Marijuana prohibition most countries have not re-legalized it for personal use although 10 countries have decriminalized its use in limited quantity.
Medicinal use of cannabis is legal in a number of countries including Canada, the Czech Republic, Israel and 16 states in the United States of America. Over the years the number of people supporting the legalization of Marijuana has increased. Some advocate legalization of Marijuana believing that it will reduce crime, reduce illegal immigration as well as increase tax revenue. This essay will attempt to examine all three of these factors but also investigate other factors that legalizing Marijuana will benefit. Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal substance in United States and in many other countries; this is a statement that seems to be in each article that is written about the legalization of marijuana.
This is a subject that has been up for debate for quite a few years now. There are many people who support the legalization of this drug and are strongly convinced that marijuana is not a drug in which one should be punished for, but rather a drug that should not be frowned upon and seen as a way to help our nation economically and medically. On the other end, there are also many people who support the criminalization of marijuana and believe it is a drug that should remain illegal or else further use of the drug may increase and become dangerous. There was a time in history when the use of marijuana was quite popular until it became illegal, like many other substances, it did not stop people from using.
The question still remains, should marijuana be legalized? Throughout this writing piece, information regarding different views and opinions on the legalization of marijuana will be presented, along with positive and negative effects this would have on our nation economically and medically. Marijuana is one of the most popular drugs in the United States, third only behind tobacco and alcohol. It is estimated that nearly 80 million residents will try it on at least one occasion in their life. A recent survey shows that a quarter of these individuals have dried Marijuana in the last year and that more than half of these users are habitual users.
The idea of marijuana use, whether it is for medicinal or recreational purposes is an ethical issue that is often considered by both the government and citizens. In this paper I will speak to the uses, benefits, possible concerns and possible ethical issues that could be created through the legalization of marijuana. The word "marijuana" has been a concerned topic in almost every American home today. Marijuana, whose botanical name is cannabis, has been used by humans for thousands of years. It was classified as an illegal drug by many countries in the 20th century. Over the past two decades, there has been a growing movement to legalize marijuana, primarily for medical purposes. Opposing views on the subject of decriminalizing the plant has caused much controversy over the past twenty years and still remains an important issue.
The legalization of marijuana in the United States would drastically reduce crime in our cities and help reduce some of the national debt through its positive uses. Some people are supporters, others are opposed and there are those who have a neutral view on the issue of marijuana decriminalization and legalization. The following contains a wide range of views, with us living in the United States; we have the right to freedom of speech to express our views and site facts on controversial issues. As it can be noted, the American Medical Associated argued that the drug should be legalized so as it can be used in the treatment of terminally ill diseases Saffer For instance, it has been highlighted that Aids patients say that the use of the substance usually stimulate appetites and hence when they use the drug, they will be able to fight the disease.
On the other hand, it has been attributed that patients who suffer from glaucoma and have used marijuana have reported that it usually prevent them from going blind Stampp For the cancer patients, it has been said that marijuana usage alleviated the severe nausea that is often accompanies by chemotherapy and sometimes makes life saving treatment impossible Saffer Altogether, it is evident that marijuana has a lot of medical use and hence it should be legalization. Furthermore, there are several dangerous products than marijuana such as cigarettes and alcohol, which are legal, and hence the proponents of legalization of marijuana term the law to the unjust.
On the other hand, it has been suggested that marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substance known to man and hence it can be used within a supervised routine of medical care Stampp, Likewise, statistic show that cigarette smoking and abuse of alcohol is harmful to a person health and many deaths have been associated with the use of these two substances but extreme smoking of marijuana only makes a person sleep. Therefore, there is a need of legalizing marijuana because when it is compared with alcohol and cigarettes, which is legal, marijuana is less fatal.
According to research that was carried out by the American Medical Association, they indicated that the only confirmed negative effect of marijuana is caused by smoking it, since it contains three times more tar and five times more carbon monoxide than tobacco Randall, The critics against the legalization of marijuana argue that it is wrong for the legalization of marijuana due to a number of reasons. In the first place, they argue that by legalizing marijuana, crime rates will increase since a lot of criminal who have been caught in other criminal offences tend to use this drug.
On the other hand, the opponents for the legalization of marijuana say that the government should not be involved with the distribution of a substance, which is considered immoral by the society, and therefore the government should not legalize it Saffer This is because, a substance that is seen by the society to be unhealthy should not be promoted by the government since the goals of the government is protecting the health of its citizens and by legalizing it, the government will fail to carry its roles in protecting the lives and health of its citizens. Elsewhere, the opponents of legalization of marijuana have pointed that there are various social and health cost that would be incurred indirectly if marijuana is legalized and hence the costs will automatically outweigh the direct impact which will be created by legalizing it Stampp For instance, they opponents on legalization of marijuana have argued that there would be an increase in lung related ailments, especially lung cancer and this will make the government use a lot of money in treatment of diseases that are related to marijuana.
In addition, since marijuana is addictive, many schoolchildren will drop out of school due to the use of the substance and other people will lose their jobs because of the effects associated with marijuana. I do have questions about the platform to legalize marijuana. The million dollar media campaigning to legalize it by focusing on people suffering from illnesses and using marijuana for medical purposes to ease their discomfort from their diseases. There are social and cultural issues that also need to be addressed. These campaigns are sending the message to the youth in the country that using marijuana is harmless and will help with any pain one may be having.
Because of the ads and the push to legalize marijuana, there has been an increase in the use among high school teens. By sending these messages out by mass media, are we denying drug problems in our country and actually encouraging using marijuana, which is illegal. We have a moral responsibility to protect our youth and these ads undermine the drug prevention efforts used to keep teens off illegal drugs. In addition there are millions more who smoke in social settings but not on a daily basis. Marijuana is prohibited and illegal however, the use, production and sale have not stopped.
California however has come up with a proposition on legalizing the drug. Legalizing the drug can do endless help to our economy. Proposition 19 had three main reasons for why marijuana should be legalized. Tax money, potential money from criminal penalties and marijuana used for medical purposes. In order to purchase this illegal drug, one has to find a drug dealer. Prohibition of marijuana has led to criminal penalties for over 75 years and yet over 25 million people annually purchase and use marijuana. Due to the U. policy on drugs, there is great emphasis on arresting individuals for smoking marijuana. Marijuana violations in recorded over , arrests. The majority of the arrests were for simple marijuana possession violations.
According to the FBI statistics, one marijuana smoker is arrested every 45 seconds in the U. The number of marijuana offense arrests for far exceeds the combined arrests for violent crimes. The illegal drug causes many inter city deputes over it between gangs as well. S taxpayer spent about 20 billion per year just for the police enforcement and investigation of marijuana alone. This does not include the amount we pay for other drugs every year or for the incarceration of marijuana users and dealers. While the USA is in a current economic slump, we could really benefit from an extra 20 billion a year along with the relived stress of searching for illegal marijuana users. The legalization of marijuana to me would also get ride of some of the drug gangs fighting over marijuana everyday.
Current drug gangs are making huge profits from selling and disturbing marijuana. The cost would be similar to the current cost; however, the profit would be going to the government in the form of tax revenue instead of to drug dealers. If we were to legalize marijuana, we would add significant taxes to any purchase of the drug. Just like cigarettes and beer people are still going to purchase them despite the tax. Former US Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders said it perfectly "The evidence is overwhelming that marijuana can relieve certain types of pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms caused by such illnesses as multiple sclerosis, cancer and AIDS -- or by the harsh drugs sometimes used to treat them.
I was not sure where I stood on the marijuana debate. I would have to say that I now question why it is not legal. From my research, I know that is not as addictive as prescription drugs or alcohol. I know that it is sold by drug rings and they are making millions and causing many drug wars and deaths. I also know that it would be huge revenue for many states if it was legalized. In addition, it would benefit law enforcement and save millions in arrests, and incarcerations. A regulated legal market for marijuana would reduce the use of marijuana for underage teenagers and also lessen their exposure to more addictive illegal drugs. Should individuals be denied to use marijuana for medical purposes? What is the difference from taking a shot or pill for pain and smoking a joint of marijuana for pain relief?
I do know that in order to legalize marijuana, the law would have to have set laws to regulate its use and distribution. The U. needs to legalize marijuana since people are going to smoke it, buy it and distribute it regardless. I say get smart and get the dealers out of the picture, save our law enforcement from spending most of their time arresting users, ease our over crowded jails and prisons. They should focus on the drugs that are really doing harm. The economy can be greatly effected by in extra income and help increased jobs and get us out of any economic slump. The legalization of Marijuana would give the U. the opportunity to grow hemp as a valuable and diverse agricultural crop but the biggest obstacle is opposition to legal marijuana so the U. is not recognizing hemp as a valuable agricultural commodity.
Our side has a concession. Marijuana is not an awful drug. Comparatively, it has few bad effects on the human body, and in some cases, admittedly, it can be medically useful or socially acceptable. However, it's not something that should be legalised. MICHAEL , M. A medical opinion on marijuana. New York Times, p. The situation of the legalizing marijuana is a very popular topic, I think it needs to be legalized. I myself with complete honesty, do not smoke or have any use of marijuana. In my opinion the legalization of marijuana can benefit the United States. The legalization of marijuana can have excellent changes, but also can contain minor flaws.
Medical marijuana should be legalized at the federal law for medical purposes because marijuana helps many people manage pain or illnesses. There is a lot of illnesses and pain that marijuana can treat. Marijuana does have side effects but what medication does not? Many people deal with the slight side effects and people who cannot deal with the side effects quit smoking marijuana. A problem in society is the federal law arresting people selling or smoking marijuana and giving them more years in prison than a rapist or serial killer. So what people are mostly scared of is the risk of arrest. Marijuana is one of the most controversial topics in the U. S today.
Many associate the substance with some of the most highly addictive and dangerous drugs used in our society. While others claim marijuana to be the safest substance to use to date. One of the biggest debatable topics amongst marijuana use is the legalization of the substance medically. Many people believe marijuana should be accessible to those with terminally ill diseases. While others believe the drug should be illegal at all cost. Medical marijuana presents many negative issues in our society emotionally, medically and socially. Due to the negative effects from the substance, the use of marijuana should remain illegal in the United States.
Marijuana is mostly known to have a negative impact on the brain. The brain stores memories in two different ways; long term memory and short term memory. A long term memory is all the things you remember that happened a long time ago, and short term memory is when you hold a small amount of information in your mind for a short period of time. Most people will agree because some people use…. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, marijuana is a Schedule 1 substance, which means that it has no medicinal purpose and has a high risk for abuse.
Although marijuana is not federally legalized or approved by the FDA, 20 states including Hawaii and Washington D. have already legalized medical marijuana, and two of those states Colorado and Washington have already legalized marijuana for adult recreational purposes. Long term effects of heavy marijuana use include: respiratory problems daily cough and phlegm production, frequent acute chest illness, and increased risk of lung infections , increased heart rate by percent, and mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts among adolescents, and personality disturbances, including a lack of motivation to engage in typically rewarding activities.
Studies have also shown marijuana to be psychologically addictive. Opponents claim that marijuana harms the brain, heart, lungs, and immune system. It affects your learning and hinders your memory. People will also argue that marijuana can cause cancer. There is very little proof that smoking marijuana has a significant health risk. There have also been no reported cases of lung cancer or emphysema credited to marijuana. Research into the effects of long-term marijuana use on the structure of the brain has produced unreliable results. Marijuana is less toxic than many drugs that doctors prescribe every day. I believe that there are many drugs that are worse on our body than marijuana and far more addictive.
Many studies have shown a link between chronic marijuana use and increased rates of anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia. But does marijuana use cause depression or schizophrenia or do people with these mental health disorders us it as a…. Marijuana should be legalized. That is the decision everyone in our group has come to. We believe the pros of marijuana use greatly outnumber the cons, and that the government needs to realize that. Defending either side of this argument is actually quite difficult. Any studies that you may find can be disproven by studies performed from the opposition and vice versa. Still, we have not found anything that has even came close to changing our opinions. Our government tries to satisfy the needs and wants of all million U. citizens, but ends up making us more and more unhappy.
Marijuana legalization has been a fight with the government for over twenty years. Many agree that it is harmful and should be done away with while others believe that it is a natural herb planted to help us cope with the stress of our hectic lives. I agree with those who are stressed. Currently I do not smoke marijuana, pot, but if it were to ever become legalized I would most definitely dabble in the tranquility occasionally. I believe that we have been fighting the war long enough to have marijuana legalized and that our government should give it a long shot! I have ten hard theories to as why legalizing marijuana would be a show stopping idea.
Not only would it satisfy us, but it could satisfy many other important issues such as our economy. It is generally assumed that Marijuana is an evil drug that creates menaces of society and ruins the lives of poor innocent children. Some believe it to cause cancer, breathing problems, and make people do crazy and unnatural things while under the influence of the drug. Evidently there is a high degree of confusion and ignorance surrounding the drug and the true facts about it. This sort of sheep-like behavior where people base their beliefs on the beliefs of others instead of the actuality of the subject is foolish and has grave repercussions on those who educate themselves about the drug and fight for its legalization.
Now, more than ever, propositions to legalize the drug have risen, which is causing a stir between people who want it to be regulated just as tobacco and alcohol is, and people who want it to be a crime with severe punishments. With this paper, I will show you the true facts behind marijuana; the facts that are misconstrued and altered by older generations of people who want nothing more than to abolish the drug. In the first section of my paper, I will explain the science of the drug and how it actually affects a persons mind as well as debunking many of the popular myths among people. In the second section I will look into the current laws and policies about the drug and explain how it is a flawed system and how it harms the user more than the drug does.
In my third and final section, I will explain my proposed policy about the drug and explain how it should be regulated in our country. in Rosenthal and Kubby Young, stated this in the matter of Marijuana Medical Rescheduling Petition, in when attempting to list marijuana as a Schedule II drug Keene In , cannabis was made illegal with the passage of the Marijuana Tax Act. Since it was criminalized, billions of dollars have been spent in marijuana —related incarcerations. Marijuana consumption should be decriminalized in the United States for both medical and recreational use because it could prove medically, economically, and socially beneficial for the nation. Within a few minutes after smoking marijuana, the heart begins beating faster and your blood presore drops.
Marijuana can cause your heart beat to increase by 20 to 50 beats per minute, can also increase even more if other drugs are used at the same time. The lower blood…. Marijuana is the growing topic in Americans daily lives; shockingly people are blind to realize that this substance will probably be one of the deadliest drugs in the next decade. The generations of the 20th century where blind and medically illiterate to the dangers of cigarettes in fact they believed it was health approved. Only a few decades later people started to realize the demons of smoking and plagued America with 5 million deaths a year ever since.
HOME ESSAYS Why Marijuana Should Be Illegal. Why Marijuana Should Be Illegal Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Why Marijuana Should Remain Illegal I believe that marijuana should continue to remain illegal. I believe there are more benefits if marijuana is kept illegal than if it were to be legalized. I believe marijuana should remain illegal because it impacts health negatively, it can be addictive and it would negatively impact society. I believe that marijuana should not be legalized until they can prove marijuana to be beneficial to society.
We should not allow a substance to be freely used in society if we do not fully know the long term effects or implications the drug will have on users. If the government did legalize marijuana it would promote to the country that the government approves of using marijuana which would cause more people to use it. Too many people already abuse marijuana as it is and if it were legal there would be many more cases of marijuana abuse. Marijuana affects the body both mentally and physically. There have been a number of studies that show association between chronic marijuana use and increased rates of anxiety, depression and schizophrenia NIDA, The strongest evidence they have found against marijuana and its mental effects is that it can cause the onset or relapse of schizophrenia in vulnerable individuals NIDA, This shows that marijuana negatively impacts individuals mentally.
A substance that is linked to triggering a disorder should not be allowed to be used freely in society. Physically, marijuana also has many effects on the human body. It increases heart rate by twenty to one hundred percent shortly after smoking and this can last up to three hours NIDA, This increased heart rate can lead to palpitations and arrhythmias NIDA,
Why Marijuana Should Be Illegal Research,Conclusion
WebWhy Marijuana Should Be Illegal In today's society the topic of the legalization of marijuana is a very controversial subject. There are many who believe that this substance should WebMarijuana should be illegal for the bulk of medical intents because of the potentially unsafe side effects. Some of these side effects include oversight, or no commonsense for WebThe Liberty Champion WebThere's a reason pot was made illegal in the first place and quite frankly, the only reason alcohol and cigarettes are legal is because they're so deeply ingrained in our society that WebMarijuana should be illegal again. There are too many people getting in unnecessary trouble with law enforcement, schools are having the most problems with kids getting WebMarijuana should be illegal because it will cause an increase in drug users and drug related crimes, the short term and long term effects of marijuana on the body, and the effect it will have on the country. One of the consequences of legalization would be a ... read more
Home Society Social Issues Drugs Marijuana. October A Dope Idea: Legalizing Marijuana Words 7 Pages. Order a paper now. On the other end, there are also many people who support the criminalization of marijuana and believe it is a drug that should remain illegal or else further use of the drug may increase and become dangerous. In the second section I will look into the current laws and policies about the drug and explain how it is a flawed system and how it harms the user more than the drug does. This shows that marijuana negatively impacts individuals mentally.
Addiction Cannabis Drug addiction Tetrahydrocannabinol Heart rate Human body. I know that it is sold by drug rings and they are making millions and causing many drug wars and deaths, why marijuana should be illegal essay. is not recognizing hemp as a valuable agricultural commodity. Why Marijuana Should Be Illegal Research. These harder drugs include cocaine, diacetylmorphine, LSD, and several others.
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